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Charger operating basics

    A charger operator is responsible for mediating the interaction between the driver and the charging station. This role can be performed by the site owner/manager (commonly referred to as the host) or it can be outsourced to a third party service provider.

    Operating the charger as a host

    The charging station host can perform the role of operator by using a stand-alone software package that meets their needs. These may perform any or all of the following functions:

    • User authentication via RFID (access card)
    • Local energy management
    • Time of use controls

    Using a third party operator

    Hosts can access further functionality by outsourcing management to a 3rd party, usually a charging network operator. These systems require hardware that is networked. This allows the operator to remotely:

    • authenticate users and initiate charge sessions via the cloud
    • see charger status (in use/available)
    • monitor performance
    • report and aggregate usage data
    • update firmware
    • option: handle billing for paid services

    Charging network operators usually offer support services, as they are often the EVSE distributor and system installer. A subscription to these services depends on the number of units, bundled packages, and discounts as negotiated with the provider.

    Operating Systems

    ChargefoxeoCloudCharge StarEvertyStand-Alone
    For driver
    Charger Availability MapYesYesYesYes3rd Party
    Billing via app (Credit card, apple pay)YesYesYesYesFree
    SupportYesYesYesYesvia host
    For operator
    Set or restrict access to chargersYesYesYesYesYes
    Monitor electricity consumptionYesYesYesYesMeter
    View live charger statusYesYesYesYesNo
    View charge session reportsYesYesYesYesNo
    View operating costYesYesYesYesNo
    Calculate revenueYesYesYesYesNo
    Export raw dataYesYesYesYesNo
    Uses any OCPP EVSEYesNoYesYesYes