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Charger installation projects

    The key roles required in a charger installation project include:

    • electrical upgrades
    • civil works
    • charging station implementation and testing
    • communications systems implementation and testing
    • billing system implementation and testing (if required)
    • warranties, service and support for charging issues
    • warranties, service and support for the billing system
    • warranties for electrical installation

    Structures for awarding an charger installation project

    There are two potential structures for awarding the installation contract:

    1. Turn Key: one party is awarded the entire contract
    2. Separate packages: the client appoints different parties to perform different roles on the project.
    1. Turn key approach

    In this approach, one provider would be appointed to implement all sites and all key tasks. The contract would be with a head contractor.

    Single point of accountabilityMay pay a higher margin
    2. Separate packages

    Many charging station providers utilise local installers so the most logical way to separate packages for procurement is to tender electrical, civil and hardware/software as separate packages. This is because several parties will bundle the hardware, software and maintenance together, but that electrical and civil works could easily be separated.

    May reduce overall costsMany points of accountability
    More control over solution - potential future proofingSystems integration may lead to risks in installation and maintenance phases
    Less vendor lock-in
    Open to more bidders - potential work for local businesses 

    Find an EVSE supplier and installer here.